Welcome from the Chair of Governors
Firstly, a warm welcome to Wyndham Park Nursery School of which I am truly honoured to be the elected Chair of Governors. May I also take this opportunity to extend my gratitude on behalf of everyone involved with Wyndham Park to Steve Colby, the departing Chair, for his commitment, dedication and exceptional impact as chair over the previous years. The work that was undertaken during Steve’s time as Chair really was reflected by the “Outstanding” OfSTED status. Such a status is that which we will continue as we work alongside the Head and staff to ensure that Wyndham Park Nursery School continues to be Outstanding, and continues to offer the best possible start for your children.
The role of the Governors at Wyndham Park Nursery School is to strategically lead the school financially, monitor the performance of pupils and staff and evaluate the progress that the school makes towards its aims and objectives which are laid out in the School Improvement Plan. Besides this, the Governors act as a “critical friend” in which we aim to be a source of challenge to, and support to, the Head Teacher.
The Governing body and I look forward to working with Laura and the staff to continue the outstanding work to ensure that the school continues to flourish and excel in the education it provides for your children.
I would like to finish by continuing the legacy left by Steve. I too will aim to ensure the Governors are approachable for parents and look forward to working with you all. Please do email me on WPNSGovernor@wyndhampark.lincs.sch.uk if you have any questions or concerns and we will endeavour to answer as accurately and efficiently as we can.
In the meantime, I look forward to both meeting and hearing from you on your educational journey with us.
Dr Rachael Sharpe
Chair of Governors